Delivering innovative Health IT services/solutions...
Delivering innovative Health IT services/solutions...
Our team serves your team! Fulfilling your mission is our team's mission. We combine local tribal resources and world-class consultants to deliver exemplary IT services in Atlanta, Augusta, D.C., and throughout the Southeast. Our team performs professional services and staff augmentation to suit your needs.
GTEC industries was first incorporated in 2009. We are wholly owned by parent company Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee, Inc. and collectively owned by the Tribe. We provide a wide spectrum of Health IT services to governmental and private sector organizations.
GTEC’s Health IT service areas are mainly four-fold and encompass expertise areas of tribal members and world-class recruits: 1) Custom Application Development Services; 2) Web Development and Hosting;
3) Systems Design; 4) Management and IT Consulting.
We are a customer-focused business. Your needs are our business. We work hard to make sure your needs are met.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed
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